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Oona Fergusson

    Oona Fergusson

    Druid, Shaman, Wisdomkeeper

    Oona Soleil has been driven by a lifelong passion to explore the mysteries of our existence and the supernatural powers of our mind.

    Her many years training in some of the most powerful spiritual traditions from around the world, including African, Mayan, Eskimo, Native American, Eastern and Celtic cultures, have taught her to mind her mind for the impossible to become possible.

    Oona was most profoundly influenced by her initiation into a lineage of Mexican Curanderos and the seven years she served as the personal assistant to an Angakoq – a Shaman of the Far North. She soon began guiding her own groups on spiritual dog-sled journeys in one of the most remote and harshest environments on earth, as well as teaching wherever she was called: from Kenya to Siberia, New Zealand to Scotland and beyond.

    On her journeys Oona has had close proximity contact with ETs, been given the ‘Codes of the Universe’ through a crystal placed in Aotearoa by ETs from Sirius, has activated her Chakras at specific pyramids in the Yucatan jungle, and received the ‘Keys of Dimensional Mastery’ from a Mayan Curandera-Shaman.

    Oona’s fascination with the brilliance and power of the human mind led her to become an executive fire-walk instructor. She has now walked well over 100 fires. She has studied homeopathy, leads groups in ET contact work, is also a fully certificated rapid transformational hypnotherapist, and has trained as an advanced controlled remote viewer. She has a degree in mathematics, physics and chemistry.

    Oona now teaches all things taboosacred, powerful, and inviolable. This includes anything from the truth about emotions and Extraterrestrials to sexual mysteries and luminous consciousness. Her private sessions can change the course of a life with just a few words. Her seminars are intense and magical.

    Oona is one of the world’s leading experts on emotions and is the author of The Brilliance of your FEELINGS – an eye-opening book on inherent forces and the re-empowerment of your soul.